Jill Symons

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4.15.2015 - In Retrospect...

I can honestly say that over the years I have met an amazing number of wonderful people - and many of them actually in person!  Usually friendships start through email, going to phone calls, and if I'm lucky enough an actual meeting in person.

Today, being Wednesday, I hardly leave my chair as I'm deciding what to bring forward, then I photograph, edit the images, and assemble the new pages... but.  I got an email from my friend Noël that a package she'd shipped was sitting on my front porch!!  How cool, on a non gift giving time (unless you count Tax Day)... immediately my heart was happy... what could it be???

How absolutely cool are these? And we both lean a bit to quirky - so when she explained that she wanted to be able to grind salt as well as pepper - it explained why they were both grinders!  I loaded them with the pink salt & peppercorns she had also sent, then had to come up with some formulation as to why salt was assigned to one versus the other. hmmm.

I love the fact that 'bead art' turns up in my life everywhere I look... and that over the years I've had the pleasure to accumulate a wonderful assortment of amazing people to color my world.

Noël though has been with me through the years, I think we met in late winter 1998.  I've watched her grandkids grow up, we should all be so lucky!  Thank you Noël for your friendship and unexpected perfect smile makers!!!  smiles, Jill