Jill Symons

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8.2.2017 - "I missed her Organic Phase"

Funny - I heard that comment online about 10 years ago, when I guess I skipped through an organic phase rather quickly! LOL....  I've been making beads now for twenty years, that's a long time - but I confess - I still get excited as I sit down to a torch session to transform rods of glass into bead creations.

I have found over time that when I happen onto a new design - I do it to death, all colors - many sizes and usually for the better part of a month... until I slip off to some other design (to do to death)...   Of course I have my favorite styles, but feel equally at home in all styles... sometimes it's nice to have a style that's 180 out from what I've been obsessing over for the past month.  


This has happened to me just recently.  Usually when springtime hits - I'm so ready for the "fresh  newness" of transparent glass - after a heavy wintertime. (ummm sometimes that doesn't hold true, as I DO live in Texas... but I do live vicariously through others and empathize with their wintery situations online).  

I also love the transparent glasses I use, my very favorite is Lauscha - as I can work hot and fast... no boiling and microbubbles... it makes a big difference!!

But, just because I love transparent glass doesn't mean I don't play with opaques...  I just often forget!

But while the opaques satisfy my need for color, I confess, I do love the form and shape.   Not so much chaos of colors all together in a bead - but sets of usually up to three colors. 

I occasionally fall off the radar when it comes to the silvered glasses.  OMG.  The effects are just amazing.So, selling online is a challenge because I make what I like... and hope that similarly minded customers find me.  I always ask for feedback as to what you'd like to see more of... do email - I'm always open to suggestions.

I love these beads!  They're uber high tech with the silver inclusions... all the silver is held underneath a top layer of clear glass so they never tarnish or get knocked off.  They're just so clean looking and fun.  

I love these purple beads!  They're uber high tech with the silver inclusions... which is held underneath a top layer of clear glass so they never tarnish or get knocked off.  They're just so clean looking and fun.  I've explored many different colorsways, denim blue, pink, olive, purple... and of course the silvered glasses.

Yes... these are timeless.  The wire is fused to itself as well as the glass.  They're part of the Ancients Series.  I love these.  I also love that the base glass is not a yellowy ivory... but more of a very pale taupe.  I like the sophistication of fine details... and clean lines.  Wearability and elegance...

So, selling online is a challenge because I get to make what I like... and only hope that similarly minded customers find me.  I will always ask for feedback as to what you'd like to see more of... do email - I like to hear what you have to say!! 

Smiles, Jill