1.16.2019 - Bead and Life Musings... ?
If I didn’t love what I do so much… I’d be in big trouble. But after a few decades you figure things out… just how much time it takes to do certain things… or how many degrees you need to rotate an item in PhotoShop to make it sit nicely on the website page… it all becomes rather automatic.
Creativity, though, flows at its own rate. I am in that stage now where I’m waiting to see where my muse leads me next… and it can get a bit frustrating. I try new things at the torch, only to find the next day - as I’m emptying the kiln that it didn’t turn out as I had hoped. What I CAN tell you though is that I have often said I’m glad my friends are friends with my friends… and it goes for beads as well. All of them are made with glass I have on hand - and denim blue today matches denim blue from last month…
I am always able to round out a page with what I have here on hand… and often I find inspiration as I rifle through the sets. I have come to realize that I make way more finished pieces than I make bead sets these days. How do you feel about that - anyone really missing the sets?? Like a car out of alignment - I veer into the earring making lane all too often… and am quite content to cruise there. Nudge me if you need to!
While I’ve got the bead time all figured out, I do often wonder as to where personal the time goes.
This little cupcake turns one tomorrow… I am so grateful for the internet and the way I can get instant updates with the press of a button… I feel like I’ve watched her learn to walk, figure out food, try to whistle… and just enjoy the awesomeness of the world around her - thanks to the iPhone & her parents! Please let the world slow down a little bit though - as this year just zoomed by… and I’d like to relish things small and innocent just a while longer.
smiles & Happy Birthday wishes - Jill