1.29.2020 - POOF... gone
Hello again, it seems a most lovely post has been swallowed up by the great beyond. :‘(
so. Let’s see if we can recapture the essence.
It was just me, lamenting about how much I enjoy lampworking… and how that even after 22 years - I so look forward to each torch session as if this were new to me. I’m sure I’ve written similarly before, but I honestly never thought that this would last decades.
I find myself telling people how much I love what I do - and how I love glass, its beautiful qualities in its cool form, as well as how magical it is - when molten - to command the shape… to add sparkle, or stretch to thinness the darkest color to allow the light - and release the color. While living in Germany I started working with Lauscha glass from the former East… (from what I have heard, we Americans like to work too fast) This glass allows for heat and the building of a nice bead without the sacrifice of boiling the glass.
In the past people have said that they can pick my work out of a jumble of other artists’, and I often hear that people hoard or covet the sets - not wanting to make things from them, but to keep in a bowl on a desk to ‘visit’. I understand, and admit that I have come to terms with that - in knowing that while a necklace may be ‘made’… it can always be ‘unmade’ and transformed into something else. So - use them, enjoy them, then rework and enjoy them differently!
The beauty IS the glass, in its simplicity - the beauty of the color itself. - Smiles, Jill