1.1.2023 - I’m reminded that "I'D Been Reminded..."
So.. this (below) was written two years ago. I’m starting by updating here - as my glass and torches are still packed. but seeing this draft blog entry reminded me that something has been missing in my life, and I’m sure it’s my connection to glass and you.
_____ so this was back in 2021….
This past year has been odd, I can see you nodding in agreement… “new norms” is what we have now.
I can only tell you that while the world has been in various states of flux, I continue to find refuge in glass & torch time. It’s my ‘go to’ place for reflection/stability. Glass isn’t going to change - but its transformation is and always has been immensely joyful.
Usually every six months (or so) I clean all the glass rods from my work surface, this entails full length 13” rods and what we call shorts. It’s easy to see which are my favorites and this time was no different! I gathered them up and ran them through the dishwasher, then they were dried, sorted & bundled. It was apparent as I dug down on my worksurface - like an archaeological dig, that I had used many transparent colors - but only, of late.. opaques. To me, the use of opaque glass signifies a time when the light changes, and more serious seasons are looming.
As I carried the tub of glass bundles to the torch, the sunlight hit just right, quietly nudging me as if to remind me that THIS is why I love transparent glass. Really. Why should beads have to be any more complicated than simply showcasing the beauty of this glass?
Through different shapes, textures, etching and thicknesses the color just jumps out with transparent glass. smiles - Jill