1.21.2015 - (steep) Learning Curve

This past weekend I utilized AirPlay and watched several tutorials from Corning Glass on my Living Room television... in that larger than life format, it was great fun.  Below is what I learned, granted there's tons of room for improvement - but it opened another door for me, to experiment with different techniques... but when you see this, you don't think of my beads, do you??

as with any method, you learn, then you manipulate what you learned into some semblance of something yours.... this is what I came up with, it's kind of cute - and of course, as it came out of the kiln I had all sorts of critiques on what I should've done... aaaah.  Maybe next time!  Never stop learning! smiles, Jill

1.14.2015 - hmmm....

I'm in the midst of a wrestling match with my earrings - and my creative mind couldn't spill a blog post tonight... but I can show you what i'm up to.  Part of this is my issue with seeing the bead hole... and trying to find a rather seamless way to give the illusion that these are just suspended (but we all know better...).  Whenever I use this color - I think of my sweet friend Ruth who passed away late last year.  She would love these... smiles, Jill



1.7.2015 - "Planely Speaking" - It's Complicated

While I tend not to enjoy holiday themed lampwork creations - I admit I have a quiet love for hearts, and am thrilled to be working towards Valentine's Day.  Most popular hearts are always classically red, no doubt about that.  I especially love Lauscha's Opaque Red for its ability to not streak when worked hard and to give a nicely consistent full bodied  gorgeous opaque red.  

but when I play, it gets to be complicated...  With this heart - I was considering how my stacking planes of color would affect the light coming through, while still delivering a classically shaped heart - it would be decidedly different - but most hearts are complicated, no?


Since light fills volumes - and the more edges a volume has to catch and throw light - the better, I chose to carve the surface of the above heart.  This creates interest while still allowing the shape of the volume & the beauty of transparent glass to speak - even through the surface design. Smiles, Jill

12.17.2014 - You JUST Don't Know What You Don't Know...

I spend a lot of time at the torch, when your hands are busy your mind is still somewhat free...

This year marks seventeen years I've been doing this, and I find myself looking back quite a bit.  I learned in a vacuum - I quickly discovered lamp working after seeing it on eBay, I found what I needed online and just started making tons of beads... eventually things started to click, but what I didn't know was what size they were "supposed to be".  (In an effort to establish a better grasp of what size things were, I was one of the first on eBay to take pictures of beads in my hand to give some reference to scale) ((and yes, eBay back then only had a few pages dedicated to lampwork beads)).

I found this small amber set a few days ago - I was astonished at how tiny they were.

My sincerest apologies to Noel who purchased so many of my micro sets as shown below - unintentionally I worked so so SO tiny!  They are shown in front of a set of 1/2" dia rounds from this era of bead making - and also you should realize that the tiny set is IN FRONT and CLOSER to the camera - but they still are tiny.  Of course, nowadays there are more people making beads, lampwork is more prevalent in available jewelry... so one can get a better idea of what size things should be!!  Just another of those moments I roll my eyes and shudder to think of what phases I've passed through over the years, and what still lies ahead!  smiles, Jill

12.10.2014 - Fear of being the Critic

In August I agreed to write a review on a tutorial DVD for ISGB.  It involved working off mandrel - which is not something I do often (should read "much at all!") My beads have holes through them (I toy with the idea of trying to cover up that fact, as evidenced by the picture below, but yes - there are holes) - that keeps them from jumping off the mandrel onto my lap.  But it had more to do with the fear of not being good at it.  

I've been making beads now for seventeen years - sheesh.  My youngest son is just a tad older than that - so - it's been most of his lifetime... that's a LONG time.  I don't fail often OR publicly, and if I do, I recover so quickly - doubtful anyone would know.

So - under the gun - I finally decided it was time to tackle the tutorial.  First thing was my torch wasn't as powerful - so working real-time along with it was near to impossible... and of course, I hadn't made a million of these as the teacher most likely had!  I learned lamp working on my own, so the tried and true ways to do things aren't in my vocabulary... so I learned a lot, just seeing someone else do it the way it's 'supposed to be done'. : )

While YES, I did have issues balancing a larger than my norm glob (ahem "gather") of molten glass, that will come with practice, and I experienced the frustration of having it pop off my rod of glass onto my work surface, then I
 rescued the runaway pendant from the work surface - repuntied - and carried on.  On the positive side, I made a very nice twisted cane from a large lollypop paddle, learned to make a glass loop for hanging (I've often admired those handles on essential oil vials, but knew surely I couldn't do it - but I now CAN)!

SO - news on the streets is that although some of us ARE old dogs, we most certainly can be taught new tricks!  Maybe I won't ever make pendants as beautifully as the instructor... but everyone's got to start somewhere.  

Next question is... while I thoroughly enjoyed the tutorial - I was asked to critique IT, uh oh, I see 'critical' in that word - I don't want to 'criticize' - I'm not mean spirited... how does one go about this and not sound critical?  Well - I was honest - with regard to the good as well as what could be improved.... there wasn't as much on her end as what could stand improving on mine!!   smiles, Jill

12.3.2014 - Finding My Rhythm

Oh, this is just crazy.  I've been doing this long enough to know how I am....

Years ago - a friend commented on how she gets 'twitchy' when she doesn't get her torch time in... what with the holidays and its accompanying distractions, I found myself in that mode.  So - I added an extra torching day.  What I ended up with was a whole pile of beads and I was all over the place.  

Tonight you will see things I have not made in years - and then some new funky things... at times I lament not being able to stick myself into a box - and say - "THIS" is what I make... as I seem to like everything.  

Hopefully by next week, I will have settled down - but I can't promise you.  Maybe by then I can at least get everything I made up and posted!!!  Happy week after Thanksgiving - I AM thankful - just a bit scattered tonight! smiles, Jill

11.12.2014 - The Art of WOW...

We love what we do, we talk (nonstop) about what we do... we want others to try it and fall in love with it too.  Over the years - I've always enjoyed watching closely as my students embark on their first session - watching for telltale signs of what's going on in their minds.  

My friend, Carol tried her hand at it last week and as I had hoped, displayed the signs of being bitten by the fire bug.  She easily made a little pile of round beads - I was flattered to realize she knew the different names of my beads - and requested to learn to make a certain type by name!

Watch closely as she begins to wind the glass - how her eyes widen... and the rest is history.  
If you've never melted glass - it's a must for your bucket list!! 

10.20.2014 - Colorful Life up North!


I have taken this week for a venture up north to where nature offers up color as a parting gift as seasons change.  For those of you who are Texans, this will come as a treat... for with us, central Texas folks, we just fade to a gentler shade of brown or green.  The fleeting celebration abounds up north, albeit for only a short while...

I posted on Facebook that this picture reminded me of perhaps an aerial photo of a Martian subdivision - complete with roads and lots.  When in reality it's just a close up of a gloriously red maple leaf.  Do you see the heart at the middle??

The following are images of other things that tickled my southern imagination - please enjoy - as I did!





10.15.2014 - Shift...

It's been a long time since the price of silver has been as low as it is right now.  Normally I recognize that along with my beads - I have to factor in time and materials.  As you've seen recently - my pieces are becoming a little more labor intensive after the beads have been created.  

It's often hard to recoup the cost of materials AND still make pieces affordable... but - with the drop, I am now more likely to spend time making pieces such as this cab.  I used to know my audience - and it was mostly jewelry designers and other lampworkers, of late I have a feeling that this assumption has shifted.  I would love to hear from  you - tell me what you are looking for... so that I can aim my offerings to be more in synch with your needs.

My dabbling in silver started with making my own ear wires, hammered rings, and closures about ten years ago.  I had been told that I needed to make everything - in order to make a truly unique piece.  I believe this to be true.  These are the first post based earrings I've offered in many years.  I finally came up with a design that is in keeping with my design preferences... and so - that's why it's here.

I do plan to offer silver necklaces for sale here as well - as sometimes it seems a turnkey piece is what is sought... and sending a lonely pendant off to a non-jewelry designer customer just isn't right.  What do you think of this? Is this something that you'd be interested in?

10.8.2014 - add on...

Last week when I posted about the creation of the bracelet - I received many comments, but one stuck in my mind.  Someone said that she often saved bits of this and that to commemorate some life event and this type of bracelet would be a nice way to bring all the memories together in some cohesive wearable salute.  (...think charm bracelet, Pandora Bracelet etc.)

This idea kept surfacing this past week, as I prepared the trio of 'fobs' that I'm offering tonight.  While they are a harmonious blend of pleasant things - this is the same sort of idea. (I love making them & for whatever reason,  they are usually wildly popular).  Usually amounting to a cluster of maybe 4 or 5 smallish items wired onto a sterling silver ring.  "Usually" one is made of metal, one contains metal, one is a solid color, and the last is a mix of all others.

During the week I often stray from my "plan"... and end up with a few really pretty beads that don't fit in with any sort of organized idea... they go in a special dish.  The silver nuggets are created from melted-down bits of fine silver from my Smith Little Torch (which I use for jewelry... ) you recognize the spirals from earrings I've offered in the past, and well - the copper is new.

It's a fun way to incorporate small things that taken by themselves don't amount to much, and letting them feed off each other into a truly interesting and highly wearable piece!