2.3.2016 - Photo Mosaic

This Fence is in New Braunfels, TX... and seriously - I don't know...

Sir Charles... peeking over his fence.  Yes, it was late December and there were still flowers on the lantana!

I couldn't resist this dishtowel. (for those of you who know me well - I still can't resist collecting new ones!) I loved the double yolk!

little girl blowing bubbles down at the Riverwalk in San Antonio... loved the surface of each shining with so many colors.  Take joy when you find it - as this was fleeting!

Dad carved the pineapple, being an engineer - he chose the most efficient means with the least waste.  KUDOS!!

Somehow - I don't think this design element was for efficiency.  But I must admit - it brought delight to something that would otherwise have been most ordinary!

You have to remember - I live in TX.  In San Antonio boutique... bowties for TX formal... made from feathers.  LOVE this!

And finally, I know this is late.  But I had to show you.  This is the Christmas display in Johnson City, TX... at the Electric Company.  It was so amazing!  Spacing of the wraps on tree trunk was about 1/2" apart.  The trees were wrapped  out to most branches with the tiny lights - then the tree canopies were studded with larger bulbs.  AWESOME  so so awesome.

1.27.2016 - My introduction to MOSAICS (SO) broadened my horizons...

Right about a year ago, I went with a girlfriend to a studio tour where I met Lynn Bridges - a Dripping Springs, TX painter/mosaic artist.  I had spent a little time talking about how cool her mosaics were - and loved that there was yet another way to repurpose glass and pottery.  I signed up to be on her mailing list...  then one day - I received a notice about a  Community Mosaic Project

I've provided a link to Lynn's blog which details the progress of this mosaic project over the past three years. So far, they've completed almost five of the six panels.  What I took away from this brief foray into mosaics is that not all mosaics are grouted-to-flush with the tile surface... and it's meticulous work, the details are amazing up close and from afar - it's hard to believe everything just blends into such a beautiful project!!

Below is the panel that's currently being worked on, and the drawing from which it was made.  Amazing the detail that is employed to render shadows - giving it such depth.  Very cool. Since this is a project that has had many hands on it - you see little touches.. like maybe a pretty tile is used as a tattoo... or a small charm is placed in with the pottery shards.  

The tiles below are about the size of the mini-Chicklets from years ago... maybe 3/16" sq.  giving much more detail to the small figures.  I was sooo impressed!

1.20.2016 - Seeking Support Group (JK)

There are fewer things that just make my heart beat faster than great efficient design.  I think this comes through in many areas in my life... and certainly in my glasswork ... : ) happily so.

Last week my youngest son was in the final throes of packing to return to college and from the other end of the house I heard "Mom... do you want this box?" I, in a decluttering mode, answered "NOOOOO".  He replied - "ARE YOU SUUUURE.....???" Does he know me or what?

While I only claim a few of the boxes below - it represents a timeline from the past six or so years, when my love affair with Apple began.  I cannot bring myself to throw any of them out.  I remember opening my new phones and marveling at the incredibly efficient design - packing so much into such a small, and oh so sturdy, box!  The box so rigid and sturdy... what can I say - if this is as bad as it gets - I'm doing pretty good, huh? I know I must certainly not be alone in my collection.  Right?

Funny also, look at how the boxes have grown as we've migrated (some of us... Sweetie) from the 4 to the 6+... Funny. smiles, Jill

1.13.2016 -

While I 'know' the next beady 'holiday' is Valentines Day... I am just not there yet.  I am still feeling the contemporary old world charm of Santa Fe.... I know... it gets old, huh?

How 'bout this... we'll do a fun blog about things that just make you want to go "huh..."  This is the Culinary Institute of America (in San Antonio) - eye catching thing on the ceiling at the entry, huh? Upon closer inspection they were skillets.  NICE. (Oh, and there was a nicely hidden bird's nest in the very center/bottom!)  

I'm always struck by the ability of nature to climb and get to where the light is... saw this and it just struck me that the vines are just so doggone persistent... and usually able to achieve just what they want.

OK, this one is a bit strange... on the road to Silverton, CO - there was this colorful blob.  Anyone care to take a guess? 

Seems it's an advertisement of sorts for the mineral springs just below... My source (yes, Barbara.. you) said that it wasn't naturally there - but relocated of sorts from across the road to draw attention to the hot springs.  Nevertheless... mighty colorful and expecially hot on an otherwise rather monochrome/cold day!

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... and sadly this is the last... as I'm running out of time.  But at La Mesa Gallery in Santa Fe... this wonderful wall sconce.  Makes me want to take a pottery class!!  if you enjoyed this sort of blog - let me know - Lord knows I've got a ton of images just like these!!! Have a great week, Jill

1.6.2016 - Santa Fe, more GLASS

While in Santa Fe a few weeks ago, I'd say that the most stunning thing I saw was this sculpture outside of the Pippin Contemporary Art Gallery... it was early evening - so we visited it again the following day... 

The Artist is Greg Reiche and from what I can gather - he has made a brass grid framework from tubing, then has little wire baskets that are each holding a glass tile *about 3" square.  These baskets are hooked over the top of the tubing, but are free to rock in the wind... so in the evening - the glass was shimmering as the light bounced off each at a different angle.  I think some of the pieces were coated with a iridescent layer... but I'm not sure.  There were two opposing Yin/Yang pieces and all I can say is bravo... this was truly breathtaking!

11.11.2015 - Calm Between the Storms : )

The accidental photographer here... I was driving and reaching to turn my phone off... thank you iPhone 6 for having the off button directly opposite the volume button which makes it SO easy to NOT TURN THINGS OFF... this time I had the camera app open so it took this really cool picture of the big TEXAS sky.  

Which had suddenly turned beautiful... (big smile)

See, here in Texas, there is no small way to do anything.  If it rains - it rains quickly and with such fury that it leads to terrible flooding. The sun then comes out apologetically and bakes God's country to a crisp in such a thorough way that we think no end is in sight! Here it is November 11th... Colorado is in fits of snowstorms and we're looking for sunblock and turning the a/c on to combat the humidity of a 74 degree day... Please God - moderation?

Yesterday I got to show off the quirkiness of my longtime hometown of Austin... see, I know this place like the back of my hand, I have stories and know shortcuts like no one else!  With a quick survey of what my California Cousins wanted to see - we quickly fabricated a loop of sights that made good use of my "Economy of Motion"* operational theory... and led us to the end destination of the Oasis for a quick lunch - an "over the top" restaurant that clings to a west facing hillside overlooking Lake Travis... where the sunset is always occasion for a round of applause! While we weren't there for sunset - but did manage to see the awesomeness of how HIGH the sky here is!

... and of course, I'm always blown away by cool iron work, especially if it's blue! : )  While there is so much to see at the Oasis - I was quietly pleased to see the cool colored party lights that I'm so fond of.  Color that lights my life..... still smiling - Jill

*"Economy of Motion" - to do things in such a way that no real crazy backtracking is needed.  One smooth loop of efficiency! : )