7.20.2016 - Components in Glass

If it can be done, can it be done any better?  If it can melt into the design of the piece - and the artist can make components to synch - isn't that Ideal?  I've been playing with the idea of toggle closures -  such fun!

JillSymons.com Lampwork

Sweetly transparent glass for a decidedly feminine feel - as, I think, many of my beads conjure up...  These play with light intensity and shadow - with the carvings to give peaks and valleys to gather and release light/color.  Hmmm - I think I've heard that theme before! ; )

Also, I've always tried to hold true to the idea that if it looks like silver - it is.  I tried to make silver headpins with glass, but was always disappointed... I think I've figured it out!