(First I have to mention that there's an update tonight at 9PM)
I've always thought jewelry should be rather small... and out of the way. I still feel that way about earrings - that they shouldn't tear your ear lobe off - so I will maintain my view there... But necklaces - with a few key elements of weighty deliciousness - in glass - are sooo wonderful.
There is this artist who makes this amazing necklace... her name is Lucette Mugnier - and they're sold through the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago... here's a link...
I had posted a picture - but there was a note about not using their images. : ( so I provided the link instead. I purshased this necklace, so I thought I'd share how amazing it is... The hollows are sealed, filled with some type of viscous liquid... and have itty bitty Swarovski crystals that settle to the bottom. So Very Cool. Anyhow - stunning is just that - I wondered why it took three of these beads to achieve "stunning" here - as one is sure to wow.
So, in an effort to realize that stunning can be achieved in the Less-Is-More manner of thought - I created the larger version of my carved beads I've made for years... it's a 1" carved focal bead that has glittering silvery mica inside. It nestles in the hollow of my throat... and is sparkly and 'alive'. (but, I still bought the other necklace!!)
Then, in the mode of bigger brighter Bolder Beads... there is this set... I'm always inspired by the change of seasons to work with transparent glass and play with the way light is held/reflected. NORMALLY, the oblong carved melon shape second from Right is focal bead sized... so - this set has big chunky beads that are alive with color and light. I am *transformed*. smiles, Jill