10.17.2018 - Tall, thin, .... Texan Disk Necklace - (Update here tonight at 9pm EST)

Tall, thin, and Texan. I love disks - I feel like that’s my mantra at my support group… I just wish there were more ways to show these beauties off!! I’m working on it. I have these strong feelings about certain things glass related - (as my quest to remove the hole, or at least the visibility of it) and it dominates my creativity.

Last week I had the new version of the disk necklace… which lovingly lets the light to transmit through the glass and ‘allow’ the color. But until theres a nicer way to use these pretties with their broad plane of color facing forward… I’ll always be pursuing options.

Many of the prettiest color are so color dense - that unless they’re stretched very thin, or veiled over a lighter color - they get lost in the dark.

For years, I’ve played with a small footprint of glass and building tall, thin beads… below is a video I made that shows the process… enjoy.
smiles, Jill