When I’m out of sorts… doing repetitive things seems to help. I threw out all my old mandrels - ordered 10# of stainless mandrel rods (welding) from Amazon - cut them watching TV, ground the ends smooth… then made oodles of earwires, AND missed my update deadline last week. So it all rolled over to tonight. Apologies.
The page has gotten awfully long. I will clean this up next week.
When it came time to photograph some of the beads… I started to think about how I veiled the colors to allow two colors to blend and make a coordinating third color… and had such fun with the photography. (maybe that’s why I missed my deadline…) I’ve been playing with using my Apple products to photograph… the quality is there - but there’s something odd about the colors when it comes to editing. So - I went back to my old Cybershot…
This past month has been odd. Family member sick, dear friend dealing with loss of father…, averting knee surgery, and just a sense of disarray…. this doesn’t happen often - and I’ve tried to keep it all neatly in its own box… but it spilled over a little.
You will see that my torch session took me down one clear path… and my earring endeavors have been in a pretty direction. Maybe if the weather changed I’d be able to shake this? 83 tomorrow - are you KIDDING ME?
earrings… and cookies. Oh, did I mention I’m learning to knit??
She’s not yet two. But - does this allow me to start making lists of all the fun and trouble we can get into? I’m thinking big sheets of paper and little bare feet … and hands… and PAINT. Think she can help w/ cookies? OH - yes - as a taste tester. Just thinking about all this makes me smile. yes. It’s all good. : ) Jill
Charlie is now 8, I’ve not starred him much of late - but he’s always the happiest thing around!! Love him bunches.
I’m practicing… as Merritt is coming to visit in November.