While I’m aware that the garden is awakening, I’m enjoying this glass too much to stop. Normally, by this time of year I’m knee deep in using the transparent glass I so desperately love - but I just need to get this out of my system. The pair of rounds on the left are from a very limited stash of Prussian Blue glass from Lauscha - in fact - it was the color I was most in love with - and sadly - they were never able to reproduce just that color. I felt it went so nicely with this other myriad of color glass…
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JillSymons.com Lampwork
JillSymons.com Lampwork
JillSymons.com Lampwork
Raked and feathered glass - that was one of the first things I played with when I started making beads over 20 years ago… it’s such a delicate process - and after all the time involved in getting a perfectly shaped base bead - it doesn’t take much to ruin it… luckily I had a light touch that day - and just enough coffee to keep things interesting!! I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s delicate walk through this garden of glass! smiles, Jill
JillSymons.com Lampwork
color combinations & shape variations - why does everything look so darn nice against black… note to self - move on…
JillSymons.com Lampwork